Installing SwiftDiscord for iOS

Please note that you should follow the instructions in this document rather than in the main README if you intend to build for iOS.


  • SwiftDiscord 6
  • Xcode 9.0
  • iOS SDK 11.0
  • Homebrew

I have absolutely no idea if this will continue to work with future or previous versions of SwiftDiscord/Xcode/iOS. Your mileage may vary.


You may be tempted to skip some steps or to not follow them in order. If you’d like to get this working at any point within the next few hours, it is highly recommended you do not do that. If you do somehow get this to work without completing a certain step, please let me know so I can update the instructions.

  1. Install dependencies: brew tap vapor/tap && brew install ctls && brew install opus && brew install libsodium
  2. Make your project folder: mkdir SwiftDiscord-iOS && cd SwiftDiscord
  3. Initialize a new Swift package: swift package init --type executable
  4. Modify your Package.swift so you have SwiftDiscord as a dependency:

    // swift-tools-version:3.1
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        // you can replace name (below) with a string of your choosing, the xcode project that is generated will have this name
        name: "SwiftDiscord-iOS",
        dependencies: [
         .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 6)
  5. Download SwiftDiscord: swift package update

  6. Build SwiftDiscord: swift build -Xlinker -L/usr/local/lib -Xlinker -lopus -Xcc -I/usr/local/include

  7. Now comes the hardest part: mkdir libs

    1. Manually compile & build the following projects:

      I hope you like reading READMEs.

    2. Move the resulting compiled libraries (.a files) into your new libs directory. You should have the following files in there:

      • libcrypto.a
      • libopus.a
      • libsodium.a
      • libssl.a
  8. To be honest, I’m not expecting anyone to make it past the last step, so if by some miracle you actually managed to fill libs with the required libs, give yourself a pat on the back. Go make coffee or something.

  9. Generate an Xcode project and open it: swift package generate-xcodeproj && open SwiftDiscord-iOS

  10. In the Build Settings for the SwiftDiscord target:

    1. Add the following to Valid Architectures: arm64 armv7 armv7s
    2. Add your libs folder to the Library Search Paths: $(SRCROOT)/libs
      • You may need to switch from Basic to All Build Settings in order to see this key.
    3. Also add /usr/local/lib to your Library Search Paths, after your own libs folder.
    4. Add /usr/local/include to your Header Search Paths.
  11. In the Build Settings for the DiscordOpus target:

    1. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 from the previous target, but for this target’s settings of course.
  12. In the Build Settings for the URI target:

    1. Add your libs folder to the Library Search Paths: $(SRCROOT)/libs
    2. Make sure $(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/SymlinkLibs/ is still included in the search path and that it is above the libs path you just added.
    3. Copy the Library Search Paths (just select the row and Cmd+C).
  13. In the Build Settings for the Crypto, CHTTP, HTTP, TLS, and WebSockets targets:

    1. Overwrite the Library Search Paths with the paths stored on your clipboard (Cmd+V).
  14. Create a new Single View Application target (I’ll call it TestiOS but you do you)

  15. In the Build Settings for the TestiOS target, copy and paste the Header Search Paths from the SwiftDiscord target

* Not just the one we added - grab the ones that were there before too
  1. In the Build Phases for the TestiOS target:

    1. Add SwiftDiscord to Target Dependencies
    2. Add libcrypto.a, libopus.a, libsodium.a, and libssl.a under Link Binary with Libraries.
    3. Create a new Copy Files Build Phase (there’s a + button at the upper left side [under the General tab] that lets you do this).
      • Set its destination to Frameworks
      • Add everything in the Products folder (should all be .frameworks) except for
  2. Replace your ViewController.swift contents with the following code to make sure everything works correctly:

    import UIKit
    import SwiftDiscord
    class ViewController: UIViewController, DiscordClientDelegate {
        var client: DiscordClient!
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            self.client = DiscordClient(token: "some valid token here", delegate: self, configuration: [.log(.info)])
        func client(_ client: DiscordClient, didConnect connected: Bool) {
            print("Bot connected!")
        func client(_ client: DiscordClient, didCreateMessage message: DiscordMessage) {
            if message.content == "$mycommand" {
      "I got your command")
        func client(_ client: DiscordClient, needsDataSourceForEngine engine: DiscordVoiceEngine) throws -> DiscordVoiceDataSource {
            return try DiscordBufferedVoiceDataSource(
                opusEncoder: DiscordOpusEncoder(bitrate: 128_000, sampleRate: 48_000, channels: 2)
  3. Build!

    • If you have hundreds of warnings, you may want to run a Product > Clean and restart Xcode.
  4. Run!

  5. You did it. Somehow. Congratulations!


I’d like to thank the lead developer (nuclearace) for providing guidance throughout the whole journey; without whom I would have undoubtedly never been able to get this working.




If you experience issues and you are positive you followed the instructions exactly (no, really, if you miss one step you’ll probably get 400+ warnings and several build errors), I recommend you file an issue first. You can also talk to me on Twitter.

Happy Swifting! (is that a thing? I don’t know. It is now).